
Uniform Code


Winter Uniform

Summer Uniform

Year group








Base Uniform Choice

Grey Trousers

Grey Shorts

Navy Skirt

Navy Pinafore

Grey Shorts

Navy Skirt

Summer dress

Uniform Items

Grey ankle socks

Navy knee socks or

Navy tights

Grey ankle socks

Navy knee socks

White socks

White shirt


Gold white striped Dress



Navy V-neck jumper*



or Navy cardigan


or Navy cardigan

Black shoes

Black shoes


Uniform Styles

The pinafore dresses should conform to the following specification:

●          Colour – Dark Navy

●          Fabric – Tailored style not jersey

●          Style – Round neck with front zip not buttoned

Shirts should have a standard/straight style collar. The uniform code does not include blouses with round collars or ‘puffy’ sleeves.

Trousers and shorts should be of grey tailored fabric not jersey.

Jumpers and cardigans should be navy, with the school logo.

Tie should be navy with a thin diagonal gold stripe. This may be elasticated for Reception to Year 2.

Socks should be knee or ankle length. Trainer socks are not permitted.



Children should wear closed-toe black school shoes – Trainers, sandals or boots are not permitted

Hair and Jewellery

●          Shoulder length (or longer) hair must be tied back

●          Hair accessories (bands, ribbons, bows or clips) should be gold or navy blue only

●          Hair should be cut in an appropriate manner and should not be extreme (e.g. tramlines)

●          Stud Earrings (plain gold) are the only type permitted due to safety reasons

●          Not permitted: Hair wraps or colouring; wrist jewellery or necklaces.

PE Kit

On days when PE kit is required it should consist of:

●          Gold Polo Shirt with school logo*

●          Plain navy shorts/skort

●          Plain navy leggings

●          An official school, navy hoodie or school knitted jumper*

Coats, Gloves, Scarves and Hats

●          Coats should be black/navy without logos or embellishments

●          Gloves, scarves and hats should be navy or navy/gold

Other Accessories

Summer hat/cap - navy blue

Book Bags – Navy blue with school logo*

PE Bag – Navy blue with school logo*

*School badged items and the school tie can be obtained from The Sports Shop in Portishead.

Other items of uniform can be purchased from any other suppliers. The dates when children change uniforms from winter to summer are communicated through school newsletters. All items of uniform should be named.

Department for Education Guidance
As a school we work hard to keep the cost of the uniform to a minimum whilst ensuring a high standard and a high level of compliance. We work with parents to support this aim and ask all parents to support the school as well.
You can find out more about the government's advice for schools on uniform on the following website: