
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided School.

The Governing Body of St. Joseph’s School, acting in accordance with the latest statutory School Admissions Code and the Clifton Diocesan Policy Statement and in consultation with North Somerset Council is solely responsible for the admission of pupils to the School. As such, it is the legal Admissions Authority for the school which determines and oversees the schools admission arrangements.

The School uses the North Somerset Council’s admission applications processing systems and is part of its coordinated scheme.

If you are in any doubt regarding the requirements and or the supporting documentation for applications the school office will be pleased to provide clarification and assistance.

A guide to the Local Authority process for admissions is available at:

If parents wish to apply for a place during the academic year, the In-Year application form should be completed and returned to North Somerset - contrary to the form advising it to be sent to the school: St Joseph's has an agreement that North Somerset will carry out all administration of the In-Year application process.

The decision to admit will still be that of the admissions authority which in St Joseph's case is the Governing Body, in line with the published admission criteria. All parents/carers are reminded that any supplementary information available in support of the application should be given directly to the school so it may be considered with the completed application.


Admission Appeals
You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel against a decision to refuse your child a place at your preferred school. Appeals are conducted in accordance with the DfE School Admission Appeals Code. Further information, including the timetable for appeals, is available on the North Somerset website.
Admission appeals arrangements can be found on the North Somerset Council website at